Learn fundamental concepts that underlie GIS technology and geographic data.

In this course, you will learn how geography is combined with data to create a GIS. A GIS can help you make predictions and informed decisions. You will learn about different GIS data types, how geographic data is collected and managed, how to create maps and share them, and how to use analysis to answer geographic questions. This course is taught using ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Pro.


New users.


Experience with Windows-based software for basic file management and browsing is required.

  • Price: € 995.
  • Duration: 2 days
  • Language: This training is organized in Dutch and French. Also possible in English at request.

Prices are per person and excluding VAT.

The following topics are covered:

  • Welcome to GIS
  • GIS data
  • Managing GIS data
  • Exploring coordinate systems
  • Mapping and visualisation
  • Spatial analysis
  • Putting GIS to use

After following this course you will be able to:

  • Identify appropriate data to support a mapping project.
  • Create a map, add data to it, and symbolize map features to support the map’s purpose.
  • Share data, maps, and other content to an organizational portal.
  • Perform spatial analysis to obtain information about map features within an area of interest.
  • 29/02-01/03/2024 online or in Namur in French
  • 07-08/03/2024 online or in Wemmel in Dutch
  • 09-10/09/2024 online or in Namur in French
  • 12-13/09/2024 online or in Wemmel in Dutch
  • Learn fundamental concepts that underlie GIS technology and geographic data. In this course, you will learn how geography is combined with data to create a GIS. A GIS can help you make predictions and informed decisions. You will learn about different GIS data types, how geographic data is collected and managed, how to create maps and share them, and how to use analysis to answer geographic questions. This course is taught using ArcGIS Online.
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